Monday, August 29, 2016

Hey, Look!

Rory was getting ready to write that homework assignment. Gathered up everything that was needed. 

"I'm just going to check Facebook for a second."

Four and a half hours later, it was Rory's bedtime.

Rory needs to learn that homework is more urgent than a cute baby otter riding on a roomba while wearing a tutu with "Born to be Wild" playing in the background. 

Time is a limited resource, Rory.

Also, I don't think you should do that to a baby otter.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Gradlife Balance

This is Parker. Parker volunteers for everything. Parker always offers to be the note-taker in groups. Parker agreed to coordinate all the social, academic, and personal development activities for the cohort this year. Parker is the leader of 19 grad student organizations. 

Parker hasn't thought ahead through the semester - hasn't looked at how these obligations line up with their assistantship or coursework. 

That may have been a mistake, Parker.

A few things you can learn from this:

1. I don't know if work/life balance exists. I particularly don't know if work/gradlife balance exists. That said, it's better to choose a few things at which you can excel than to try and do everything.
2. Self care is important.
3. The art of saying no is one of the most important things any of us can learn.

Would you mind writing down that advice and developing a web site to share it with everyone, Parker? Thanks.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Week One

Rory is so excited for the first day of grad school. Got the books. Got the computer ready. Day one outfit all ready to go. It's going to be a great year.

Then Rory thought about the best way to make a great first impression. "Maybe," Rory thought, "I should wear sunglasses on the first day of class."

"And maybe," Rory thought some more, "I should sit on the desk when the professor comes in. That way the professor will know I'm relaxed and cool and ready to learn."


No, Rory. Don't do that. 

Trust me.