Monday, October 29, 2018


If you want to go as a Space Judge for Halloween, go for it. No one is the boss of you. Just don't spend so much time planning your costume that you forget to do your homework. Of course if "Space Judge" is the best idea you could come up with, you probably didn't spend a ton of time planning that costume.

Now, get back to work.

Monday, October 22, 2018


Sometimes when we think about the things we have to do, it seems like we are losing ground. Homework, paperwork, group work, teamwork. So many things that require our time. And then someone says, "Hey - enjoy grad school while it lasts."

Note to people who say that: Not helpful.

Monday, October 15, 2018


No matter how great a student you are, there will be times you get stuck and need a little encouragement. Sometimes the encouragement might be a kind word or a "you can do it!" note of support. 

Other times you will be stuck that you will need a bulldozer to get you going again. Not a real, life-sized bulldozer. Just a little one to push you in the ankles. Don't worry about it. We all need that little ankle-pushing bulldozer from time to time. 

Monday, October 8, 2018


Some days the student felt like a robot obligated to memorize, regurgitate, and repeat stuff from the books over and over again in classes. There wasn't always a lot of room for freedom of thought or creativity. The learning seemed cumbersome and exhausting rather than inspirational and exhilarating. 

Sorry, robot. Really sorry. Grad school shouldn't be exactly like that. 

On an unrelated note, maybe don't wear that mortarboard until you are actually graduating.

Monday, October 1, 2018


Sometimes you just have to laugh because grad school is funny. Like when faculty expect that you've actually done the reading? Or if you have done the reading and they think you understand it? Or - this one is the best - when they think you have any clue how APA works. 

Maybe it's not grad school that's funny, but grad school faculty. What jokers.