Monday, December 26, 2016


Graduate school was often a place where there was some regression to childhood - and that went beyond occasionally getting into the fetal position under a thick blanket. Rory's cohort had played games, watched TV shows, and dressed up as characters from when they were kids. They had bonded over shared points of cultural reference. 

So when Rory got this as a gift this holiday season, it was perfect. 

Rory had also discovered that graduate school was a time of not really understanding things or knowing what you are doing. Having this toy to play with and not really knowing how it worked was somehow reassuring to Rory.

Enjoy your break, Rory. It will be over soon.

Monday, December 19, 2016


The librarian received a Magic 8 Ball from her Secret Santa at work. The note said, "In case you can't find the answers by doing research in databases, in books, or in other scholarly resources, you can always find the answers with this Magic 8 Ball.

The librarian was not amused. She displayed the Magic 8 Ball as a courtesy. She planned on disposing of it soon. 

Monday, December 12, 2016


Rory was happy to have made it through another semester. Now, instead of working on his computer he let his computer do the work. The Netflix work. Good job, computer. Good job, Rory!

Monday, December 5, 2016

Grad School

Rory just finished a 30 page paper, a 20 page exam, and a 15 page reflection. Rory now has an awful hand cramp. And brain cramp. Poor Rory. Graduate school is hard.

Also, Rory is getting a graduate degree. Lucky Rory.