Monday, November 12, 2018


Rory went to their professor to ask for some ideas for their team's final project. The team just hadn't been able to come up with much and they were looking for ideas. When the professor brought out a robot that students from a previous class had built, Rory was shocked. "They developed this robot to provide career guidance, academic support, and personal motivation to students. It was their final project. I gave them a B+ on it because while the robot was successful in those areas, the team had failed to program it to help students with wellness, ethics, or leadership." 

Rory knew their team needed to really, REALLY get to work on something brilliant to have any hope of getting an A in this course.

Later that day the professor took their colleague out for lunch. The colleague had put on the old robot Halloween costume for the meeting with Rory. Every year it worked - the robot project really inspired students to invest a lot of time and energy into the assignment and to come up with some pretty creative things.

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