Monday, January 2, 2017


Dear 2017,

Hi. I hope you are doing well so far. I am writing you this letter because I want us to get a few things in order before the new semester at school begins. 

First, let's just agree that you are going to go by quickly. I know that it won't always feel that way, but it will be true. 

Next, I plan on having more good times than bad. It would be great if you could support me on that. I know that ultimately it is up to me to make that happen, and I will. That said, I'm not sure what all is in store and I'd like more good days than bad. Thanks in advance for that.

Third, I'm going to need more naps than I have in the past. That's a non-negotiable.

Fourth, I'd like to live in the moment more and worry about the future less. That may seem counterintuitive given that I'm writing this letter to the upcoming year. I'm trying to exercise foresight now so I can relax more and enjoy each day more in the future.

Finally, let's make this the best year we can. Grad school is hard, but participating in higher education is a privilege. I need to remember that. I have lots of opportunities and people who support me. I need to appreciate that. I am responsible for my own choices and behaviors - don't let me forget that. Happiness takes work and I'm willing to do my part and I hope that you 2017 are willing to do yours.

One more thing... if you could help me lose my car keys less and do the assigned reading a bit more this year, that would be much appreciated.

Love, Parker.

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